MGGA Monthly Crop Survey


NOVEMBER 7, 2023

Carter County - Michael Hansen
Preconditioned calves the beginning of October. Finished up hauling and stacking hay bales. Planted some grass seed. Got all the machinery put to bed for the winter. Put in a couple new Stockboss waterers to make life easier this winter. Had our first snow of the year the last week of October and it also got cold. So we had to get all the cows off the BLM so they could have a water tank to drink out of. So that took several days, but we got 'em all home before it came. Been extremely muddy ever since, so haven’t gotten lots of stuff done that we would like to. Moisture conditions are excellent receiving 8" of snow and 1" of rain. Crops to be grown in the 2024 season are winter wheat, barley, durum, canola, garbanzos and sorghum. Winter wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage.


Fergus County - Robert Bold
The country side looks the best I can remember. The grass and winter wheat are green and look like April or May. Finished seeding winter wheat October 5th. It is all up and all in the two or three leaf stage. The plants have a good root and crown going into the winter. Hunting season is upon us. That means we have no privacy for the next 6 weeks or more. Opening weekend, well the best way to describe it is like a Black Friday morning waiting for Target or Walmart to open, only in a rural setting. The rush is on. I see FWP has a booth this year at the Convention later this month. A first I think. My question to FWP is why they are allowed to disobey Montana law for multiple decades now and allow specific wildlife populations to grow out of control. In in our district the last count was 963% the sustainable levels set by law. That over population costs our operation tens of thousands of dollars per year in crop and grass consumption/damage.  In return, we get no compensation from FWP. Hope to see you at the Convention later this month. I am looking forward to the physical expanded convention site. And Nathan's President Banquet at the Country Club. Moisture conditions are excellent, received at least 10 and more than likely 12 inches of October snow which should be an inch of moisture. Then .65" of rain this past week. The best fall and subsoil moisture in many years. With the soil moisture we have now will be here come spring. Crops to be grown in the 2024 season are winter wheat and spring wheat.

Fergus County - Boyd Heilig
October was a busy month of finishing seeding and stubble spraying. Finished just in time for 8 inches of snow to fall and dip below zero degrees for a few mornings. The winter wheat looks great and is off to a solid start. Moisture conditions are excellent receiving 1.2" of precipitation. Crops to be grown in the 2024 season are winter wheat, spring wheat, barley and durum.

Flathead County - Tryg Koch
Meeting season has started. Getting all fall seeded FSA and Crop insurance maps completed. Trying to finalize all lease payments and seeing how much money we didn't make this year due to the drought. It is raining a bunch, so that is a bonus!! Moisture conditions are excellent receiving 3" of precipitation. Crops to be grown in the 2024 season are winter wheat, canola, hemp and hay.

Flathead County - Doug Manning
Good. Had good seeding conditions and moisture. Moisture conditions are excellent receiving 3" of precipitation. Crops to be grown in the 2024 season are winter wheat, spring wheat, barley, canola, peas and hay. Winter wheat is in the 2-leaf growth stage.

Judith Basin County - Greg Mathews
Ten days ago the snow was 12 to 15 inches deep. Went from the 70's to the 30's for the highs and to the teens for lows. Warmed up this last week and most of the snow melted and rained yesterday Saturday, Nov. 4. The country still looks great, but not at all like a normal fall as one can still see green fields just about everywhere. The early WW looks awesome and some late seeded is not out of the ground.  My WW looks terrible as it did not get seeded because of a drill problem and now have to seed spring wheat instead. The elevator at Moore has been busy moving grain from the ground pile to the elevator to be shipped. About 40% left on the big pile. There is some malt barley being rejected at Moore because of sprout. Hay bales are still in some fields and looks like they will be there for a while. Still looks like quite a little work to be done before winter sets in for good. WW prices seem to be stuck at the $6.30 to $6.00 rage. Only can hope for a rally to sell the last that had to be stored. Best to all and have a fabulous Thanksgiving. Moisture conditions are good receiving 0.48" for October. Crops to be grown in the 2024 season are spring wheat, barley and hay.

Teton County - Levi Ostberg
Good. Late fall moisture has made the winter wheat look great. Moisture conditions are good receiving 12" of snow. Crops to be grown in the 2024 season are winter wheat, barley and hay. Winter wheat is in the 3-leaf growth stage.